
Throughout the year, we offer a range of musical activities and projects to schools. Often they are open to schools from other Music Education Hubs and involve partners including International Newcastle, Charanga and Royal Opera House just to name a few. Our Big Gig is the highlight of the year! Last year we brought together over 1800 children to perform the best summer hits of all time. 

A top quality event... we’ll be back next year!

PROjects for 2024-2025 include:

  • 11th-15th November 2024: World Nursery Rhyme Week with Piccolo Music

  • November 2024: Winter Schools Choir Concert at Newcastle Cathedral

  • January 2024: Holocaust Memorial Day

  • March 2025: North East Festival of Languages with International Newcastle

  • June 2025: Newcastle Sings Festival

  • 20th June 2025: Big Gig 2024, celebrating Make Music Day